Global Administration

Descriptive shortlines

  • A great computer with respective outcome

  • A transgressional method cell.

  • Eye balanced visual data envisionment

  • tri-cepted silicate base layers

  • Artificiality by choice generating weight options

  • micro processor by carbon and silver lines

  • energy compliant multi purpose energy source

  • global input of economic and financial data

  • Value-weigth system of prioritized goals.

  • purpose driven calculations

  • Emotional deviations.

  • keyword report based feedback

  • weblocated regional feedback by analysation grid.

  • computers, regained value method schemes

  • visible fault tolerance by feedback loop

  • time and measure on priority speed

  • Global fund of labor and income; basical equal and counted.

  • Existing of possible parts current day technology

  • Combined patents; public domain strategic uses of available technology

A vision on activation

Imagine when persons are educated and want a job.
You would like a job that fits your education.
And you want a place nearby or with good housing.
You want good income.

This is what everyone wants,
but when you would add all data in a database.
And let a computer calculate for every job the best
And it chooses the best fit for experience and expertise.

Now imagine all people over the world would be in a database.
With the data like adress, education, experience.

When a just computer would decide who and where.
And with an additional rule; for people with low experience,
to support the next step upwards.

If millions of people are added to the database.
And everyone gets the precise job-oppurtunity.
Would everyone be happy?

When they get their favorite job appointed.
Now enlarge this computer system with
all possible training, education, schools,
And let it appoint certain schooling to individuals.
Based on their own priorities, hobbies, favors.

This computer, would with the perfect artifical intelligence
be appropiate to help every person to the right task.

Its a nice short line to utopia as others have written about.

A word to the cause

  • Subservient to the population

  • External monitoring govermental-agency

  • Both hands on the same level.

  • No alliances with evil intent.

  • Peace and freedom, with servitude as means

  • Creational architects are respected

  • Society design as full activity of experts

  • Politics at digital freedom with ensured outcome

  • Above the law no one may intervene

  • As kingdom of reason, even high levels with argument.

  • Hierarchy calls every place to its function

  • There is no difference on discrimination and ethical inquiry.

  • a symbol is the common mark of a country or nation.

  • All purposes are combined with a symbol.

  • When planet earth is a full alliance, space will be visible.

  • Leading edge as a myth of unseen common.

Goverment and issues

  • A goverment as service to the population

  • A goverment to restrict the strong and support the weak

  • A goverment a choosen leader at consent of the population

  • A goverment as its characteristics the importance of the population

  • A goverment looking ahead for a ten years.

  • A goverment judging the past for a ten years.

  • A goverment at reasonable numbers to agree on broad perspectives.

  • A goverment is above money and its capital properties.

  • A goverment ought to have basic level of money and its trades.

  • A goverment ought to have a state-debt of reasonable height at maximum.

  • A goverment ought to have public services to be wealthy.

  • A goverment ought to have a law enforcement restricting danger and damage

  • A goverment ought to have a justice-department being monitored.

  • A goverment ought to have a law of red line depicting leaders and their power.

  • A goverment ought to have a trade level agreement on all trade-services.

  • A goverment ought to have an understanding of citizenship

  • A goverment supports and restricts at all theme's in society.
  • Law and its values

  • As law provides the methods to keep society safe.

  • As law by constitution is bound to all citizens

  • As law by law enforcement sole purpose is society and its
    boundaries of both safety, freedom, and possible labor.

  • As law by labor is to serve wealth in the nation and
    the possibility to earn money to spend at living.

  • As law by law enforcement consist of investigation methods
    being accorded by democracy or republic.

  • As law by law enforcement is active and in effect at consent
    at the population or its representatives.

  • As law by law enforcement by measure of ethic and morale
    in general and each case specific.

  • As law by constitution is applicable to all citizens.

  • As law is not bribable by money, treasure or discrimination.

  • As law is applicable by the use of law enforcement and goverment appointed services.

  • As law is applicable by the use of independent scholared judges
    and the use of justice by spoken or written ordeal.

  • As law is applicable to all citizens to enforce and ensure both
    safety of the nation as well the prevention of crimes.

  • As law is written and adressed with the term law in total and each law specific.

  • As law is spoken to those without reading capabilities,
    and is written available to all those who understand language.

  • As law is written in both the local language and the regional language.

  • Freedom and service

    As freedom is the main right untill service
    is needed or wished for.

    As freedom depicts the persons to
    search and seek for their own avail.

    As freedom depicts the person to
    find its own purpose.

    As freedom depicts the mutual agreement
    that everyone is part of the same society

    As freedom is guarded by a govermental agency
    both by boundary as by stimulation.

    As freedom is stimulated by the allowance
    of knowledge to be part of daily life
    and the use for it in society.

    As freedom is by law described in all its extent
    to be studied by the people and all citizens.

    As freedom is the law to bind all citizens
    to the same rights either for happiness or
    to have meaning.

    As service supercedes freedom,
    as the promise to serve society.

    As service supercedes freedom,
    as the choosen obligation for
    a specific job or labor in one
    period of choice.

    As service superceded freedom,
    the goverment is bound by service
    to the population.

    As service supercedes freedom,
    all service as described is held
    by oath, by contract or spoken promise.

    As service is superceded by slavery,
    constitution is bound by law, either
    homeground or difference.

    As service is superceded by slavery,
    the ordeal of other countries is legitimate.

    Coordination and allocation

  • Goverment ought to allocate without selfish-interest

  • Goverment ought to be coordinate with measure-codes

  • Law ought to be a measure in all cases without presumption

  • Goverment ought to allocate with broad means of population at quantity

  • Goverment ought to allocate with highest quality assured in full numbers

  • Goverment ought to coordinate with names and numbers in perspective to democracy

  • Goverment ought to coordinate with intents in scale to democracy

  • Goverment ought to be signed by morality in full respect to employees

  • Goverment ought to be monitored without warning beforehand

  • Goverment ought to be with intent as written and legal timeline and document description

  • Goverment should consist of parts allocated by population

  • Goverment ought to have a monitoring system without warning or other kinds of indication

  • Goverment ought to have an allocated system of name codex. as names subsist govermental agencies

  • Goverment ought to have a law system with intentional description as democracy plights population

  • Goverment ought to have a agency coordinating both democracy and govermental services.

  • Goverment should be legal and justified in all jurisdicial means in regard to justice and its interest

  • Goverment should be choosen at consent or spoken promise of population.

  • Goverment should be allocated at consent of the reigning king or queen, at written confirmation

  • Goverment ought to be in concordinance of the king or queen, with the spoken supervision by meeting

  • Goverment ought to be in direct line of all choosen goverments by international confirmation

  • Computing sciences

  • Sands of computing count the high number

  • Sands of computing count the symbolic numbers

  • Sands of computing count by the methods presupposed

  • Sands of computing granting a system of alphabetical change

  • Counting the future bound by social rules

  • Counting the future bound by population quantity

  • Counting the future expressed quality by theme and subject

  • Counting the future as conceptual changes as methodics permit

  • Counting the future counting as time evolves the methods multiply numbers

  • Counting the future as all symbols granting the full vocabulary

  • Counting the future as the scheme boundaries set by the imagined full region

  • Counting the future as the scheme elements represent society

  • Counting the future as the scheme numbers allow digital intepretation

  • Counting the future as the high societies call for implementation

  • Counting the future as the conceptual program all objects interchange

  • Counting the future as we intercede the high level by computing globally.

  • Counting the future as all computing share common service as hardware calls.

  • Counting the future the network transgresses by the use of science.

  • Counting the future as the network counted by numbers and symbols.

  • Counting the future we implement all books on sciences even those be stories.

  • Counting the future we have all social paths, choicefields, feeling matters

  • Counting the future we count by measure as most numbers generic concepts.

  • Counting the future we count by quality, schemes of importance and numbers

  • Counting the future we count the periods, as the triple confirmation

  • Counting the future we digitize concepts as a language of equal language signals.

  • Counting the future as sciences foretell

  • Orb of light

  • Daylight enters science as the observer energy and movement

  • Rainbow enters as the grace of high life faith calles

  • Black Box always convinced by reality and traits

  • Black box intervened by intention in front counts fate

  • Observer as quanta level been education forced

  • sciences proofed by dust and water given mechanics

  • Theory proofed be the words calling for meaning

  • The last man standing is fate calling purpose

  • Rights and councils hold bloodlines as favorite

  • financials counted gave purpose of freedom liberty and wishes

  • financials measure and its weighing scales give fate chance of living

  • full life span given to those seeking goodness and avail

  • promises of golden future superceded by contentment as society calls

  • promises of blessing taken by grace and mercy service counted

  • in the eye of robotics counted awareness blood and humanity

  • in the eye of science counted level of ethics morale and service

  • in the eye of prosperity counted level of freedom basic level service

  • in the eye of wealth a nation granted compassion poverty worlds

  • in the eye of time counted numbers pass by and goodness has its avail

  • in the eye of eternity religion called for purpose as the blessing golden inner bond

  • in the eye of worlds constitution called for basic level implementation

  • in the eye of universe, universal peace, love, rights and universal education

  • in the eye of level, those with understanding given higher chances recognized

  • in the eye of male firmness, called for forbearance feelings spectrum

  • in the eye of female, blessed pure heart and intents never wrong or selfish

  • in the eye of souls; forbearance every moment felt as heartfull.

  • in the eye of mind, release the controll to find surrender

  • in the eye of ordeals, a sincere very high choice might be eternal

  • in the eye of judgement conscience asked its safe communication

  • in the eye of relationships, one asked for happiness giving the other purpose

  • in the eye of friendship youth learned to give feelings the right place.

  • in the eye of children all lessons learned giving them hope.

  • in the eye of humanity we take part with a name given or granted

  • in the eye of religion granting higher life as blessed those breath

  • in the eye of service we made the choice as society calls for meaning

  • in the eye of wisdom counted level of study and contemplation

  • in the eye of knowledge we learned all methods in education

  • in the eye of fame we made a choice during life blessing chances